Catalog A-Z Index
- 8G8GU054MSN: Clinical Nursing Leader, MSN
- 8G8GU054PMGC: Clinical Nursing Leader, PMGC
- 8G8GU086DNP: Nursing Practice, DNP
- 8G8GU192CPBA: Child Advocacy Studies, CPBAC
- 8G8GU260MS: Business Analytics, MS
- 8G8GU331MS: Exercise & Sport Science, MS
- 8G8GU360MED: Applied Learning & Instruction, MED
- 8G8GU374MED: Special Education - Visual Impairment, MED
- 8G8GU587MS: Criminal Justice, MS
- 8G8GU918MAT: Special Education, MAT
- 8G8GU919MS: Informatics, MS
- 8G8GU970MSN: Nursing Leadership, MSN
- 8G8GU970PMGC: Nursing Leadership, PMGC
- 8G8GU971MSN: Nursing Education, MSN
- 8G8GU971PMGC: Nursing Education, PMGC
- 8U8BU205BSBA: Accounting, BSBA
- 8U8BU211BSBA: Logistics & Supply Chain Management, BSBA
- 8U8BU216BSBA: Entrepreneurship & Innovation, BSBA
- 8U8BU220BSBA: Management, BSBA
- 8U8BU225BSBA: Marketing, BSBA
- 8U8BU228BSBA: Economics/Finance, BSBA
- 8U8BU991BAPS: Business Administration, BAPS
- 8U8CU910BIST: Interdisciplinary Studies, BIST
- 8U8CU912BA: Organizational Leadership
- 8U8CU950CERT: Leadership Certificate
- 8U8HU104BA: Art Studio, BA
- 8U8HU110BA: Theatre, BA
- 8U8HU115BA: English, BA
- 8U8HU116CERT: Written Communications Certificate, CERT
- 8U8HU136BA: History, BA
- 8U8HU150CERT: Global Competence Certificate, CERT
- 8U8HU155CERT: German Studies Certificate, CERT
- 8U8HU157BA: Political Science, BA
- 8U8HU160BA: Experimental Psychology, BA
- 8U8HU160BS: Experimental Psychology, BS
- 8U8HU175BA: Sociology, BA
- 8U8HU184BA: Spanish, BA
- 8U8HU320BA: Art Education, BA
- 8U8HU502BA: Popular Music, BA
- 8U8HU587BS: Criminal Justice, BS
- 8U8HU640BA: Communications, BA
- 8U8HU641CERT: Digital Media Strategy Certificate, CERT
- 8U8HU852CERT: Women's & Gender Studies Cerficate, CERT
- 8U8HU853CERT: Critical Disability Studies Certificate, CERT
- 8U8MU050BSN: Nursing, BSN
- 8U8MU051BSN: Nursing - R.N., BSN
- 8U8SU106BA: Biology, BA
- 8U8SU106BS: Biology, BS
- 8U8SU108BS: Computer Science, BS
- 8U8SU109BA: Chemistry, BA
- 8U8SU109BS: Chemistry, BS
- 8U8SU132BA: Computer Information Systems, BA
- 8U8SU145BS: Mathematics, BS
- 8U8SU169BA: Health Informatics, BA
- 8U8SU170BA: Information Management and Systems, BA
- 8U8SU403BS: Health Information Management, BA
- 8U8SU430BS: Engineering Technology Management, BS
- 8U8SU460BS: Cybersecurity, BS
- 8U8SU953BAPS: Advanced Manufacturing Technology, BAPS
- 8U8TU305BA: Child Develop/Family Studies, BA
- 8U8TU310BAED: Elementary Education, BAED
- 8U8TU311BAED: Early Childhood Educ, BAED
- 8U8TU313BA: Community Health, BA
- 8U8TU314BA: Middle Level Education, BA
- 8U8TU329BSED: Physical Education, BSED
- 8U8TU331BS: Exercise & Sports Science, BS
- 8U8TU386BSSE: Learning Disabilities, BSSE
- Academic Calendar 2024-2025
- Academic Centers
- Academic Honors
- Academic Programs
- Academic Regulations
- Academic Regulations
- Accounting, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- ACCT - Accounting (ACCT)
- /admin/cimballoon/dbrec.html
- Administration and Faculty
- /admin/restrictioncodes/dbrec.html
- Admission
- Admission Requirements
- Admissions
- Admission to the Professional Program
- Advanced Manufacturing Management, Bachelor of Applied Science
- AFAM - African Amer Studies (AFAM)
- African American Studies Minor
- AMEC - Advanced Mechatronics (AMEC)
- American Sign Language Interpreting Minor
- American Studies Minor
- AMMG - Adv Manufacturing Mgmt (AMMG)
- AMST - American Studies (AMST)
- ANTH - Anthropology (ANTH)
- Applied Learning and Instruction, Master of Education
- ARTE - Art Education (ARTE)
- Art Education, Bachelor of Arts
- ARTH - Art History (ARTH)
- Art History, Minor
- ARTS - Art Studio (ARTS)
- Art Studio with Emphasis in Graphic Design, Bachelor of Arts
- ASLG - American Sign Language (ASLG)
- ASTR - Astronomy (ASTR)
- BADM - Business Administration (BADM)
- BIOL - Biology (BIOL)
- Biology, Bachelor of Arts
- Biology, Bachelor of Science
- Biology, Minor
- Biology/Nursing Dual Degree, Bachelor of Science
- Business Administration, Bachelor of Applied Science
- Business Administration, Minor
- Business Analytics, Master of Science
- Business and Entrepreneurship, Minor
- CAST - Child Advocacy Studies (CAST)
- Catalog A-Z Index
- Catalog Contents
- CAT Project Summary
- Center for African American Studies
- Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
- Center for Women’s and Gender Studies
- CHEM - Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Arts
- Chemistry, Bachelor of Science
- Chemistry, Minor
- Child Advocacy Studies Minor
- Child Advocacy Studies, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate
- Child Development and Family Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- CHIN - Chinese (CHIN)
- CHME - Community Health Edu (CHME)
- CIM Courses Summary
- CIM Help Bubble Management
- CIM Programs Summary
- CIM Restriction Code Management
- Class Attendance
- Clinical Nurse Leader, Post-Master's Graduate Certificate
- Coaching, Minor
- College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
- College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
- College of Education, Human Performance, and Health
- College of Education, Human Performance, and Health
- College of Science and Technology
- College of Science and Technology
- COMM - Communications (COMM)
- Communications, Bachelor of Arts
- Communication Studies, Minor
- Community Health, Bachelor of Arts
- Computer Information Systems, Bachelor of Arts
- Computer Science, Bachelor of Science
- Computer Science Minor
- Conceptual Framework
- Continuation Standards
- Course Acronyms
- Creative Writing Minor
- Credit for Prior Learning
- Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science
- Criminal Justice, Master of Science
- Criminal Justice Minor
- Criminal Justice Palmetto College Major, Bachelor of Science
- Critical Disabilities Studies, Certificate
- CRJU - Criminal Justice (CRJU)
- CSCI - Computer Science (CSCI)
- Cybersecurity, Bachelor of Science
- Early Childhood Education, Bachelor of Arts in Education
- ECON - Economics (ECON)
- Economics and Finance, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Economics, Finance, and Accounting
- Economics, Minor
- EDCF - Child Dev & Family Stds (EDCF)
- EDCI - Curriculum, Instruction (EDCI)
- EDEC - Early Childhood Educ (EDEC)
- EDEL - Elementary Education (EDEL)
- EDFO - Educ - Foundations (EDFO)
- EDHL - Health Education (EDHL)
- EDLD - Learning Disabilities (EDLD)
- EDMU - Music Education (EDMU)
- EDPH - Physical Education (EDPH)
- EDRE - Reading Education (EDRE)
- EDSC - Secondary Education (EDSC)
- EDTC - Educ and Technology (EDTC)
- Education
- Education, Minor
- Elementary Education, Bachelor of Arts in Education
- ENCP - Engr and Computing (ENCP)
- Engineering Technology Management, Bachelor of Science
- ENGL - English (ENGL)
- English, Bachelor of Arts
- English Minor
- Enrollment and Progression Policies
- ENSL - Engl as a Sec Language (ENSL)
- ENTR - Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- ETMG - Engineering Tech Mgmt (ETMG)
- Exercise and Sport Science, Bachelor of Science
- Exercise and Sport Science, Master of Science
- EXSC - Exercise Science (EXSC)
- Fees and Expenses
- FILM - Film Studies (FILM)
- Film Studies Minor
- FINA - Finance (FINA)
- Financial Aid and Scholarships
- Fine Arts and Communication Studies
- French Minor
- FREN - French (FREN)
- General Education Courses
- GEOG - Geography (GEOG)
- GEOL - Geology (GEOL)
- George Dean Johnson, Jr. College of Business and Economics
- George Dean Johnson, Jr. College of Business and Economics
- German Studies Certificate
- German Studies Minor
- GERM - German (GERM)
- Global Competence Certificate
- Global Studies Minor
- GLST - Global Studies (GLST)
- Grading System
- Graduate Course Acronyms
- Graduate Course Descriptions
- Graduate Programs
- Graduation
- Health Communication, Minor
- Health Informatics, Bachelor of Arts
- Health Informatics, Minor
- Health Information Management, Bachelor of Science
- HIMS - Health Care Info Mgmt (HIMS)
- HIST - History (HIST)
- History, Bachelor of Arts
- History Minor
- History, Political Science, Philosophy and American Studies
- Honors Courses (HONS)
- Honors Program
- HONS - Honors (HONS)
- Human Performance and Health
- IDST - Interdisciplnry Studies (IDST)
- INFO - Info Mgmt Systems (INFO)
- Informatics and Engineering Systems
- Informatics, Master of Science
- Informatics, Post-Baccalaureate Certificates
- Information Management and Systems Accredited Concentration in Health Information Management, Bachelor of Arts
- Information Management and Systems, Bachelor of Arts
- Information Management and Systems, Minor
- Interdisciplinary Studies, Bachelor (BA/BS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies, Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
- Interdisciplinary Studies, Minor
- INTL - Intl Study Abroad (INTL)
- Languages, Literature and Composition
- Leadership, Certificate
- Learning Disabilities, Bachelor of Science in Special Education
- LIBR - Libraries (LIBR)
- LOGC - Logic (LOGC)
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- LSCM - Lgstcs Supply Chn Mgmt (LSCM)
- Majors, Minors, and Programs
- Management, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Management, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing
- Marketing, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
- Marketing, Minor
- Mary Black College of Nursing
- Mary Black College of Nursing
- Mass Media, Minor
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Mathematics, Bachelor of Science
- Mathematics Minor
- MATH - Mathematics (MATH)
- MGMT - Management (MGMT)
- Middle Level Education, Bachelor of Arts
- MILS - Military Science (MILS)
- MKTG - Marketing (MKTG)
- MUSC - Music (MUSC)
- Natural Sciences and Engineering
- Nonprofit Administration, Minor
- Notification of Student Rights Under FERPA
- NPAD - Non-profit Admin (NPAD)
- Nursing Education, Master of Science
- Nursing Education, Post-Master's Graduate Certificate
- Nursing (Emphasis on Clinical Nurse Leader), Master of Science
- Nursing Leadership, Master of Science
- Nursing Leadership, Post-Master's Graduate Certificate
- Nursing Practice (Emphasis on Public and Community Health Nursing), Doctorate of Nurse Practice
- NURS - Nursing (NURS)
- Page Not Found
- Palmetto College/Online Programs
- Philosophy Minor
- PHIL - Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physical Education: Teacher Education, Bachelor of Science in Education
- PHYS - Physics (PHYS)
- PLAW - Pre-Law (PLAW)
- POLI - Political Science (POLI)
- Political Science, Bachelor of Arts
- Political Science Minor
- Popular Music Studies, Bachelor of Arts
- Pre-Law Minor
- Professional Development Course Descriptions
- Professional Nursing Curriculum Four-Year Track, Bachelor of Science
- Professional Nursing Curriculum RN-BSN Track, Bachelor of Science
- Professional Writing Minor
- Psychology
- Psychology, Bachelor of Arts
- Psychology, Bachelor of Science
- Psychology Minor
- PSYC - Psychology (PSYC)
- Public Relations, Minor
- Scholarships
- Search Courses
- Secondary Education (Biology), Bachelor of Science in Education
- Secondary Education (Chemistry), Bachelor of Science in Education
- Secondary Education (English), Bachelor of Arts in Education
- Secondary Education (Mathematics), Bachelor of Science in Education
- Secondary Education (Social Studies), Bachelor of Arts in Education
- Secondary Education (Spanish), Bachelor of Arts in Education
- Sociology, Bachelor of Arts
- Sociology, Criminal Justice and Women's & Gender Studies
- Sociology Minor
- SOCY - Sociology (SOCY)
- SOST - Southern Studies (SOST)
- South Carolina Centro Latino
- Southern Studies Minor
- Spanish, Bachelor of Arts
- Spanish Minor
- Spanish Translation/Interpreting Minor
- SPAN - Spanish (SPAN)
- SPCH - Speech (SPCH)
- Special Programs
- Sport Strength and Conditioning, Minor
- State Residency Requirements
- STAT - Statistics (STAT)
- Student Affairs
- Student Involvement
- Student Services
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) K-12 Post-Baccalaureate Certificate
- Test Page
- THEA - Theatre (THEA)
- Theatre, Bachelor of Arts
- Theatre, Minor
- The Main Campus
- The University
- Transfer Guide for South Carolina Technical Colleges
- Transfer: State Policies and Procedures
- Undergraduate Course Offerings
- UNIV - University Experience (UNIV)
- USC Upstate Greenville Campus
- USC Upstate Greenville Campus
- Visual Impairment, Master of Arts in Teaching in Special Education
- Visual Impairment, Master of Education in Special Education