Academic Catalog

Critical Disabilities Studies, Certificate

The field of Critical Disability Studies introduces students to an interdisciplinary body of scholarship that recovers the histories, philosophies, and artistic contributions of people with disabilities and counteracts their exclusion from a variety of academic disciplines, social institutions, and built environments.

Required Courses 1
Select twelve hours of the following:12
Introduction to Interpreting American Sign Language 2
American Sign Language to English Interpreting I 2
English to American Sign Language Interpreting I 2
ASL to English Interpreting II 2
English to ASL Interpreting II 2
Topics in Sign Language
Independent Study
Introduction to Exceptional Learners/ Special Education
Accessibility and Professional Writing
Disability and Rhetoric
Disability and Literature
Health Narrative
Feminist Disability Studies
Gender, Disability, and Eugenics: US and Germany, 1900-1945
Mad Feminism
Total Hours12

Minimum grade of C is required for all coursework.


Up to six hours of ASLG courses may be taken.