Academic Catalog

German Studies Certificate

German Studies Certificate

A Certificate in German Studies exposes students to the world of German speaking countries through interdisciplinary studies, history, business, literature, political science, philosophy, music, cinema, and arts. Linguistic and cultural knowledge of German-speaking countries prepares students for a global workforce and careers in international business, engineering, finance, politics, and the sciences.

Required Courses 1
Select four of the following:12
Intermediate German I
Intermediate German II
German for Global Professions
German Conversation
German Translation
Topics in German Film
German Literature and Culture
Selected German Studies Abroad
Topics in German Literature/Language
Independent Study
Germany since 1871
The Holocaust
Gender, Disability, and Eugenics: US and Germany, 1900-1945
Total Hours12

Minimum grade of C is required for all coursework.

Note: Other program's special topics offerings with a focus on Germany may be applied with consent of the German Studies Certificate coordinator.