Academic Catalog

African American Studies Minor

Required Courses 1,2,3,4,5,6
AFAM U201Introduction to African American Studies3
AFAM U204African American Culture3
ENGL U391African American Literature3
or ENGL U429 Literature of the Harlem Renaissance
HIST U310African-American History to 18653
or HIST U311 African-American History since 1860
Select two of the following:6
Topics in African American Studies
African-American Art
Special Populations and the Criminal Justice System
African American Literature 6
Literature of the Harlem Renaissance
Black Paris
French and Francophone Feminism
Topics in African-American History
African-American History to 1865
African-American History since 1860
Diversity in the Media
Race and Ethnicity in American Politics
Race and Ethnic Relations
Intercultural Communication
Communicating Difference in Social Institutions
Total Hours18

Up to 6 hours of General Education (<300 level) may be used to satisfy requirements of the minor


Minimum grade of C is required for all coursework


A minimum of 12 hours of upper division coursework is required.


There are additional pre-requisites for courses in Criminal Justice, Sociology, and Government which may be met with general education or elective credit.


Topics courses numbered U398 may be used when the subject matter pertains to African American Studies


Students may not use the same course to satisfy both the specified requirements and a selected requirement.