Academic Catalog

NURS - Nursing (NURS)

NURS U230  Medical Terminology  3 Credit Hours  

Introduction to medically oriented terminology, including roots, prefixes, suffixes, combining forms, and common abbreviations. Emphasis on using terminology related to anatomy, physiology, pathology, diagnoses, medical procedures, pharmacology, and instrumentation. Not for major credit.

Cross-Listed: BIOL U230  
NURS U300  Topics in Nursing  3 Credit Hours  

Select topics in professional nursing. Topics vary depending on faculty expertise and student interest. Course may be taken more than once if topics are different.

Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering, Upstate Summer Offering  
NURS U301  Nutrition  3 Credit Hours  

Nutritional needs across the life span and related strategies for promotion and maintenance of health. Concepts include nutrients, food groups, nutritional guidelines, and common diet modifications.

NURS U306  Introduction to Professional Nursing  4 Credit Hours  

Concepts and theories that have shaped professional nursing practice. Topics include critical thinking skills in the decision-making process, exploration of strategies and methods of effective communication, and emphasizes professionalism when exchanging with various populations, patients, peers, and nursing leaders.

NURS U308  Pathophysiology Topics in Health Care  3 Credit Hours  

Expansion of critical thinking and understanding of the human disease process.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in both BIOL U243/BIOL U243L and BIOL U244/BIOL U244L.  
NURS U310  Health Assessment  3 Credit Hours  

Comprehensive health assessment of well individuals across the life span. Emphasis is on data collection and the application of concepts and skills used in the comprehensive health assessment of patients as a basis for critical thinking in nursing practice. For Four-Year track.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to Baccalaureate Nursing Program.  
Corequisite(s): NURS U310P.  
Pre/Corequisite(s): NURS U306.  
NURS U310P  Health Assessment Lab  0 Credit Hours  

The skills needed to perform a systematic and individualized health assessment of individuals across the lifespan. Two laboratory contact hours per week are required.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to Baccalaureate Nursing Program.  
Corequisite(s): NURS U310.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering  
NURS U311  Health Assessment for RN-BSN Students  3 Credit Hours  

Comprehensive health assessment of well individuals across the life span. Emphasis is on data collection and the application of concepts and skills used in the comprehensive health assessment of patients as a basis for critical thinking in nursing practice. For RN-BSN Track.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Baccalaureate Nursing Program or consent of instructor.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering, Upstate Summer Offering  
NURS U320  Fundamentals of Nursing  6 Credit Hours  

Application of knowledge and skills to integrate fundamentals of nursing care using the nursing process to build on knowledge and skills attained from health promotion, health assessment, nursing foundations, and introduction to professional nursing.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Baccalaureate Nursing Program, Four-Year track.  
Corequisite(s): NURS U320P.  
Pre/Corequisite(s): NURS U306, NURS U310, and NURS U310P.  
NURS U320P  Fundamentals of Nursing Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Implementation of fundamentals of nursing care utilizing knowledge, cognitive, and psychomotor skills, and the nurse process in a variety of adult focused health care settings. A minimum of 84 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U320.  
NURS U325  Evidence-Based Practice  3 Credit Hours  

Introduction to the language and underlying concepts as a basis for reading, understanding, and utilizing research as a source of evidence for guiding practice.

Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering, Upstate Summer Offering  
NURS U330  Health Alterations I  6 Credit Hours  

Evidence-based nursing practice with adults experiencing health alterations, moving from simple to complex states of health and levels of care.

Corequisite(s): NURS U330P or NURS U331P.  
NURS U330P  Health Alterations I Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Implementation of evidence-based nursing practice, progressing in complexity, in a variety of settings with adults experiencing health alterations. Minimum of 84 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U330.  
NURS U331P  International Health Alterations I Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Implementation of evidence-based nursing practice, progressing in complexity, in an international setting with adults experiencing health alterations. Minimum of 84 practicum hours required. Language course preparation may be required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U330.  
NURS U346P  Inter Child Health Practicum  0 Credit Hours  
NURS U350  Professional Nursing Role Transition  3 Credit Hours  

Theories of nursing, systems, family, teaching-learning, practice, education, role and change that are central to current professional nursing practice.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the RN-BSN track.  
NURS U351  Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing  6 Credit Hours  

Evidence-based psychiatric mental health nursing practice. Emphasis is on the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental illness, and on nursing interventions related to primary mental health alterations across the life span.

Corequisite(s): NURS U351P or NURS U352P.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering  
NURS U351P  Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Evidence-based psychiatric mental health nursing practice in a variety of settings. Emphasis is on promotion of mental health and prevention of mental illness and on nursing interventions with individuals and groups of clients experiencing mental health alterations. Minimum of 84 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U351.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering  
NURS U352P  International Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Evidence-based psychiatric mental health nursing practice in an International setting. Emphasis is on promotion of mental health and prevention of mental illness and on nursing interventions with individuals and groups of clients experiencing mental health alterations. Minimum of 84 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U351.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Summer Offering  
NURS U375  Pharmacology  3 Credit Hours  

Concepts underlying the pharmacotherapeutics of major drug classifications, including pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse drug reactions, and fundamental nursing decision making situations as related to pharmacology. Drug dosage computation is included.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Baccalaureate Nursing Program.  
Corequisite(s): NURS U320 and NURS U320P.  
Pre/Corequisite(s): NURS U306, NURS U310, and NURS U310P.  
NURS U398  Nursing Externship  3-8 Credit Hours  

A concentrated preceptored experience in nursing enabling the student to expand previous clinical practice experiences and further develop skills in clinical reasoning, critical thinking, organization, and prioritization. For three externship credit hours, a minimum of 135 hours of scheduled clinical experiences, weekly seminars, and consultation with the instructor are required. A minimum of 45 hours for each additional credit hour is required. A student may repeat NURS U398 once in a different clinical setting for a total of not more than eight hours of undergraduate credit. Pass/Fail credit.

NURS U399  Exploring Nursing Research Topics  1-3 Credit Hours  

An individual learning experience in an area of special interest planned in conjunction with a nursing faculty member.

Prerequisite(s): (For Four-Year track) All required 300-level nursing courses; or consent of instructor - (For RN-BSN track) NURS U350; or consent of instructor.  
NURS U410  Health Alterations II  6 Credit Hours  

Builds upon Health Alterations I and continues to focus on evidence-based nursing practice, progressing in complexity, in a variety of settings with adults experiencing health alterations, moving from simple to complex states of health and levels of care.

Corequisite(s): NURS U410P or NURS U412P.  
NURS U410P  Health Alterations II Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Builds upon Health Alterations I and related practicum and continues implementation of evidence-based nursing practice, progressing in complexity, in a variety of settings with adults experiencing health alterations. Minimum of 84 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U410.  
NURS U411P  Nursing Internship  2-4 Credit Hours  

Guided practicum experience utilizing clinical decision-making skills in a health care setting. For two internship credit hours, a minimum of 90 hours of scheduled clinical experiences, seminars, and consultation with faculty are required. A minimum of 45 hours for each additional credit hour is required.

Prerequisite(s): (For Four-Year track) All required 300-leve nursing courses - (For RN-BSN track) NURS U311 and NURS U350.  
NURS U412P  International Health Alterations II Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Builds upon Health Alterations I and related practicum and continues implementation of evidence-based nursing practice, progressing in complexity, in an international setting with adults experiencing health alterations. Minimum of 84 practicum hours required. Language course preparation may be required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U410.  
NURS U420  Current Topics in Nursing  3 Credit Hours  

Intensive study in a specialized area of professional nursing or a topic related to current health care practice. Selected area or topic is based on student interest and faculty expertise. Experiential learning activities may be required. Selected topics may be of interest to non-nursing majors. Non-nursing majors who have completed at least 60 credit hours, including completion of 6 hours of Group VIII General Education Requirements and one course which includes basic research methodology, and who have a collegiate summary GPA of 2.5 or higher may enroll with consent of instructor. A student may take the course more than once as long as the repeat course is a different topic from previously completed NURS U420 course.

Prerequisite(s): (For Four-Year track) All required 300-level nursing courses and NURS U325 - (For RN-BSN Track) NURS U350 and NURS U310.  
Pre/Corequisite(s): (For Four-Year track) NURS U410 and NURS U410P - (For RN-BSN Track) NURS U426.  
NURS U426  Evidence-Based Practice for RN-BSN Students  3 Credit Hours  

Language and underlying concepts of evidence-based practice as a basis for reading, understanding, and utilizing research as a source of evidence for guiding practice.

Prerequisite(s): NURS U350 or consent of instructor.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering, Upstate Summer Offering  
NURS U427  Digital and Information Literacy for Nurses  3 Credit Hours  

An intensive study of essential digital, media, and information literacies and their conceptual underpinnings critical to nursing practice in increasingly technology-mediated health-care environments. Learners engage with new technology uses and skills while practicing proficient information analysis, synthesis and management with specific emphasis on nursing and health-care contexts.

Prerequisite(s): NURS U310 and NURS U350.  
NURS U428  Quality and Patient Safety  3 Credit Hours  

Learn and utilize quality and safety competencies to improve quality of nursing care to understand and use quality improvement concepts, process, and outcome measures. Learn to conduct basic quality and safety investigations; development of quality improvement action plans and outcome measures; and monitor the results of those action plans within the clinical microsystems.

Prerequisite(s): NURS U350.  
NURS U431  Leadership in Nursing Practice for RN-BSN Students  3 Credit Hours  

Principles of leadership, management, and followership as they relate to the role of the professional nurse within the sociopolitical health care system. Emphasis is on first level management, team leadership, client advocacy, communication, critical thinking, decision making, role development within the profession, theoretical models, cultural diversity, and ethical leadership issues.

Prerequisite(s): NURS U350.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering, Upstate Summer Offering  
NURS U440  Nursing of Childbearing Families and Women's Health  5 Credit Hours  

Evidence-based nursing practice for women and parent-newborn dyad. Focus is on nursing interventions that promote, maintain and restore health of well and high-risk families during the childbearing process and women's health throughout the life span.

Corequisite(s): NURS U440P or NURS U443P.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering  
NURS U440P  Nursing of Childbearing Families and Women's Health Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Implementation of concepts and skills to provide for families throughout the childbearing process and women throughout their life span. Practica are in traditional and non-traditional facilities. A minimum of 56 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U440.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering  
NURS U443P  International Nursing of Childbearing Families and Women's Health Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Implementation of concepts and skills to provide for families throughout the childbearing process and women throughout their life span. Practica are in traditional and non-traditional facilities. A minimum of 56 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U440.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering  
NURS U445  Child Health Nursing  5 Credit Hours  

Evidence-based nursing practice for children. Topics include health promotion, maintenance and restoration, using a family-centered approach.

Corequisite(s): NURS U445P or NURS U446P.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering  
NURS U445P  Child Health Nursing Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Implementation of evidence-based nursing practice for children and their families, in both acute care and community settings. A minimum of 56 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U445.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering  
NURS U446P  International Child Health Nursing Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Implementation of evidence-based nursing practice for children and their families, in an international setting. A minimum of 56 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U445.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Summer Offering  
NURS U450  Health Alterations III  5 Credit Hours  

Builds upon Health Alterations I & II and continues to focus on evidence-based nursing practice with adults experiencing health alterations, moving from simple to complex states of health and levels of care. For Four-Year track.

Corequisite(s): NURS U450P or NURS U451P.  
NURS U450P  Health Alterations III Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Builds upon Health Alterations Practica I & II and continues implementation of evidence-based nursing practice, progressing in complexity, in a variety of settings with adults experiencing health alterations. Minimum of 56 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U450.  
NURS U451P  International Health Alterations III Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Builds upon Health Alterations Practica I & II and continues implementation of evidence-based nursing practice, progressing in complexity, in an international setting with adults experiencing health alterations. Minimum of 56 practicum hours required. Language course preparation may be required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U450.  
NURS U461  Community and Public Health Nursing  6 Credit Hours  

Evidence-based nursing with individuals across the life-span, families and other diverse population groups. Levels of prevention are explored in relationship to epidemiology and the effects of environment and life-style on client health. For Four-Year track.

Prerequisite(s): Final semester of the program; consent of instructor for international course offerings.  
Corequisite(s): NURS U461P or NURS U471P.  
Pre/Corequisite(s): NURS U450 and NURS U450P.  
NURS U461P  Community and Public Health Nursing Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Implementation of evidence-based community and public health nursing practice in health promotion, maintenance, and restoration in individuals across the life-span, families, and other diverse population groups in community settings. Minimum of 84 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U461.  
NURS U462  Community and Public Health Nursing for RN-BSN Students  6 Credit Hours  

Evidence-based nursing with individuals across the lifespan, families and other diverse population groups. Levels of prevention are explored in relationship to epidemiology and the effects of environment and lifestyle on client health. For RN-BSN track.

Prerequisite(s): NURS U350.  
Corequisite(s): NURS U462P or NURS U471P.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Spring Offering, Upstate Summer Offering  
NURS U462P  Community and Public Health Nursing Practicum for RN-BSN Students  0 Credit Hours  

Implementation of evidence-based community and public health nursing practice in health promotion, maintenance, and restoration in individuals across the life-span, families, and other diverse population groups in community settings. Minimum of 84 practicum hours required.

Corequisite(s): NURS U462.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Spring Offering, Upstate Summer Offering  
NURS U471P  International Community and Public Health Nursing Practicum  0 Credit Hours  

Implementation of evidence-based community and public health nursing practice in health promotion, maintenance, and restoration in individuals across the life-span, families, and other diverse population groups in an international setting. Minimum of 84 practicum hours required. Language course preparation may be required. For Four-Year track.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of all first semester junior courses and consent of instructor.  
Corequisite(s): NURS U461.  
NURS U480  Nursing Content Mastery  1 Credit Hour  

Nursing concepts to support successful licensure and transition into nursing practice. Assessment of knowledge gaps and targeted course content are included.

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, final semester of the curriculum.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering  
NURS U498  Professional Nursing Issues for RN-BSN Students  2 Credit Hours  

Critical exploration of interrelated historical, sociopolitical, and cultural issues impacting the professional nurse and the quality and delivery of health care.

Prerequisite(s): NURS U350.  
NURS U499  Leadership in Professional Nursing Practice  3 Credit Hours  

Principles of leadership, management, and followership as they relate to the role of the professional nurse within the sociopolitical health care system. Emphasis is on first level management, team leadership, client advocacy, communication, critical thinking, decision making, role development within the profession, theoretical models, cultural diversity, and ethical leadership issues.

Prerequisite(s): Final semester of the curriculum or consent of instructor.  
Corequisite(s): NURS U499P.  
Typically Offered: Upstate Fall Offering, Upstate Spring Offering  
NURS U499P  Senior Practicum in Professional Nursing  3 Credit Hours  

Capstone practicum, in a precepted setting, that provides opportunities to synthesize and apply knowledge and skills necessary to function as a beginning professional nurse. Emphasis is on the application of evidence-based knowledge in planning, delivering and evaluating nursing consisting of 126 hours or practicum. Pass/Fail credit.

Corequisite(s): NURS U499.