Academic Catalog

UNIV - University Experience (UNIV)

UNIV U101  The Student in the University  3 Credit Hours  

The purposes of higher education and the potential role of an individual student within the university and other learning environments. Open to freshmen only. This course does not count toward graduation in some majors.

UNIV U102  Freshmen Orientation  1 Credit Hour  

The successful transition into higher education through social, personal and academic development. Considered are topics and activities in study skills, time management, goal setting, careers, health and wellness, responsibility, cultural awareness, and the enhancement of the relationship between the faculty adviser and the student.

UNIV U103  Freshmen Orientation  1 Credit Hour  

The successful transition into higher education through academic, social and personal development. Considered are topics and activities in time management, goal setting, responsibility, and careers, with special emphasis on study skills. The academic performance of students, in all classes, is monitored throughout the semester. Required of academic skills students. (Students cannot receive credit for both University U103 and U102).

UNIV U201  Leadership Development I  3 Credit Hours  

Various approaches to the definition of leadership and practical experience in building leadership skills. The critical questions of what is leadership, what are the qualities of a good leader, and what skills does a leader need are examined.

UNIV U202  Introduction to Leadership II  2 Credit Hours  

Practical experience in building leadership skills within the context of community-based leadership. The focus is upon the most pressing needs for leadership within the community to allow students to become directly involved with a relevant project.

Prerequisite(s): UNIV U201.  
UNIV U204  Life Design  3 Credit Hours  

This course examines the contemporary research in career development (e.g., happiness, purpose, decision-making, values, experiential learning). The course guides students to use design thinking to apply the concepts to life action plans. Students will increase self-awareness and self-advocacy to maximize their potential and envision multiple pathways for further education and life-work balance, while understanding and applying theoretical concepts related to their strengths, professional acumen, self-awareness, and identity, known career narratives and life design theories that build resilience and networking through panel sessions, readings, projects, and small group seminars.

UNIV U205  Personal Financial Literacy  1 Credit Hour  

Personal finance and financial literacy topics of student debt, budgeting, saving, credit, and spending.

UNIV U206  Applied Financial Literacy  1 Credit Hour  

Applied topics of personal finance including student debt and repayment, budgeting, saving, credit, and spending.

Prerequisite(s): UNIV U205 or consent of instructor.  
UNIV U207  Advanced Financial Literacy  1 Credit Hour  

Advanced personal financial and financial literacy topics of savings accounts, retirement accounts, and brokerage/investment accounts.

Prerequisite(s): UNIV U205 or consent of instructor.  
UNIV U210  Prior Learning Portfolio Development  1 Credit Hour  

Preparation of a portfolio documenting college-level learning gained through life experiences such as employment, training, volunteer work, travel, and military experience. To demonstrate mastery of course outcomes, students prepare a portfolio of documents that can be used to apply for experiential credit assessment. Degree-seeking students who are enrolled in at least one course at USC Upstate may request evaluation of prior experience for credit as documented in a portfolio. Multiple portfolios may be submitted but UNIV U210 may not be repeated.

Prerequisite(s): ENGL U102 or consent of instructor.  
UNIV U213  Sophomore Strategies  1 Credit Hour  

Designed for rising sophomores who aspire to build upon their freshman achievements. This course empowers students with practical strategies to excel academically, adapt their learning approaches, and thrive in the face of challenges.

UNIV U304  Career Planning  3 Credit Hours  

Methods of career readiness, including planning, networking, professional resumes and cover letters, and interview techniques. Attendance at experiential learning events and career fairs is required.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in SPCH U201; and junior standing.  
UNIV U310  Leadership Development Internship  1-4 Credit Hours  

Practical application of leadership principles through a public service internship. Limited to participants in the Leadership Development Program.

Prerequisite(s): UNIV U202.  
UNIV U390  Peer Leadership Practicum  1-3 Credit Hours  

Application of specific guidance and teaching techniques while serving as a peer leader for University 101. Emphasis is placed on role modeling, group dynamics, creating classroom cohesion, using interactive teaching methods, and the importance of assessment. Acceptance into the peer leadership program is required. May be repeated for additional credit for maximum of six hours.

Prerequisite(s): UNIV U101 or consent of instructor.  
UNIV U398  Interdisciplinary Studies Internship  1-3 Credit Hours  

Supervised work experience in a community agency or business based on an individulaized, contracted program planned in conjunction with a faculty member and approved by the student's advisor. For three internship credit hours, a student is to work 135 hours with an approved agency; for two credit hours, 90 work hours; for one credit, 45 hours. A student may repeat UNIV U398 once with a different internship contract description for a total of no more than six hours of undergraduate credit. Prerequisites: junior standing, and approved internship contract. This internship cannot be used to meet concentration requirements for bidisciplinary and multidisciplinary concentrations.

UNIV U399  Independent Study  1-6 Credit Hours  

An individualized, contractual program of study planned in conjunction with a faculty member involved with the student's interdisciplinary program of study. May be repeated for a total of no more than six hours of undergraduate credit with consent of advisor.

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or consent of instructor.