Academic Catalog

STAT - Statistics (STAT)

STAT U301  Statistical Computing  3 Credit Hours  

Data entry, sorting and merging, data summarization, graphical display, reports, and statistical inferences using statistical software.

Prerequisite(s): Any college-level statistics or consent of instructor.  
STAT U410  Introduction to Probability Theory  3 Credit Hours  

Laws of probability and sample space; discrete and continuous distributions; joint, marginal and conditional densities; moment generating functions; univariate and bivariate normal distribution.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MATH U142; or consent of instructor.  
STAT U413  Introduction to Stochastic Processes  3 Credit Hours  

Markov chains; Poisson processes; introductory renewal theory, Brownian motion and stationary processes used in mathematical modelling.

Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in STAT U410; or consent of instructor.  
STAT U512  Mathematical Statistics  3 Credit Hours  

A comprehensive development of statistical analysis that builds upon a knowledge of probability and basic statistics. Topics include sampling distributions, interval and point estimation, the law of large numbers, limiting distributions, testing hypotheses and order statistics.

Prerequisite(s): STAT U410 or consent of instructor.  
STAT U516  Statistical Methods II  3 Credit Hours  

More advanced development of solutions to problems involving statistics. Topics include experimental design, analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, multiple linear regression, curvilinear regression, and logistic regression.

Prerequisite(s): MATH U315; or both ECON U291 and ECON U292; or consent of instructor.  
STAT U598  Topics in Statistics  3 Credit Hours  

Intensive study in a specialized area of statistics. Selected topic is based on student interest and faculty expertise.

Prerequisite(s): MATH U315 or consent of instructor.  
STAT U599  Seminar in Statistics  3 Credit Hours  

Integration of knowledge at an advanced level, a review of recent developments and models in theoretical and applied statistics, along with research and oral presentation.

Prerequisite(s): STAT U301 and MATH U315; or consent of instructor.