Academic Catalog

General Education Courses

General Education Electives

AFAM U201Introduction to African American Studies3
AFAM U204African American Culture3
AMST U101American Studies, 17th - 19th Century3
AMST U102American Studies, 20th Century3
ANTH U102Understanding Other Cultures3
ARTH U101Introduction to Art3
ARTH U105History of Western Art: Prehistory - Middle Ages3
ARTH U106History of Western Art: Renaissance - Modern3
ASLG U101American Sign Language I3
ASLG U102American Sign Language II3
ASTR U111Descriptive Astronomy3
BIOL U101Introductory Biology I4
BIOL U102Introductory Biology II4
BIOL U110General Biology4
BIOL U143Foundations of Human Physiology3
BIOL U206Genetics and Society3
BIOL U220Botany and Society4
BIOL U240Human Biology and Society3
BIOL U244Human Anatomy and Physiology II4
BIOL U260Emerging Infectious Diseases3
BIOL U270Environmental Science3
CHEM U106Chemistry and Society3
CHEM U109Chemistry of Living Things4
CHEM U111General Chemistry4
CHEM U112General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis4
CRJU U101Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CSCI U138Introduction to Computer Technology3
CSCI U150Introduction to Computer Science3
DGST U101Intro to Digital Studies3
ECON U221Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON U222Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON U291Probability and Statistics3
ENGL U208Introduction to Creative Writing3
ENGL U240Interpreting Popular Culture3
ENGL U245Business Writing3
ENGL U252Understanding English Grammar3
ENGL U275Masterpieces of World Literature3
ENGL U279Survey of American Literature I3
ENGL U280Survey of American Literature II3
ENGL U289Survey of British Literature I3
ENGL U290Survey of British Literature II3
ENGL U291African American Literature3
FILM U240Introduction to Film3
FREN U101Introductory French I3
FREN U102Introductory French II3
GEOG U103Introduction to Geography3
GEOL U101Physical Geology4
GEOL U102Historical Geology4
GEOL U103Environmental Geology4
GEOL U104Natural Disasters3
GEOL U120Geology of the Southeast3
GERM U101Introductory German I3
GERM U102Introductory German II3
HIST U101Introduction to World History I3
HIST U102Introduction to World History II3
HIST U105History of the United States to 18773
HIST U106History of the United States from 18653
INFO U101Survey of Information Technology3
INFO U102Introduction to Digital Safety3
LIBR U201Strategies for Information Discovery3
LOGC U205Introduction to Logic and Rhetoric3
LOGC U207Deductive Logic3
MATH U102Elementary Statistics3
MATH U120College Mathematics3
MATH U121College Algebra3
MATH U122Calculus for Management and Social Sciences3
MATH U126Precalculus I3
MATH U127Precalculus II3
MATH U141Calculus I4
MATH U142Calculus II4
MATH U174Elements of Discrete Mathematics3
MATH U231Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics I3
MUSC U110Introduction to Music3
MUSC U140History of American Popular Music3
MUSC U162Intro to Music Technology3
PHIL U102Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL U111Political Philosophy3
PHIL U211Contemporary Moral Issues3
PHYS U101Introduction to Physical Science3
PHYS U201General Physics I4
PHYS U202General Physics II4
POLI U101American National Government3
PSYC U101Introduction to Psychology3
PSYC U225Psychological Statistics3
RELG U103Comparative Religion3
SOCY U101Introduction to Sociology3
SOCY U201Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences3
SOST U201Introduction to Southern Studies3
SPAN U101Introductory Spanish I3
SPAN U101BIntroductory Spanish I: Business3
SPAN U102Introductory Spanish II3
SPAN U201Intermediate Spanish3
SPCH U210Interpersonal Communication3
THEA U161Introduction to Theatre Art3
THEA U170Fundamentals in Acting3
UNIV U201Leadership Development I3
WGST U101Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies3


ENGL U101Composition I3
ENGL U102Composition II3
HONS U101The Life of the Mind3
SPCH U201Foundations in Oral Communication3

Mathematics, Logic & Natural Science

ASTR U111Descriptive Astronomy3
BIOL U101Introductory Biology I4
BIOL U102Introductory Biology II4
BIOL U110General Biology4
BIOL U143Foundations of Human Physiology3
BIOL U206Genetics and Society3
BIOL U220Botany and Society4
BIOL U240Human Biology and Society3
BIOL U244Human Anatomy and Physiology II4
BIOL U260Emerging Infectious Diseases3
BIOL U270Environmental Science3
CHEM U106Chemistry and Society3
CHEM U109Chemistry of Living Things4
CHEM U111General Chemistry4
CHEM U112General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis4
ECON U291Probability and Statistics3
GEOL U101Physical Geology4
GEOL U102Historical Geology4
GEOL U103Environmental Geology4
GEOL U104Natural Disasters3
GEOL U120Geology of the Southeast3
LOGC U205Introduction to Logic and Rhetoric3
LOGC U207Deductive Logic3
MATH U102Elementary Statistics3
MATH U120College Mathematics3
MATH U121College Algebra3
MATH U122Calculus for Management and Social Sciences3
MATH U126Precalculus I3
MATH U127Precalculus II3
MATH U141Calculus I4
MATH U142Calculus II4
MATH U174Elements of Discrete Mathematics3
MATH U231Basic Concepts of Elementary Mathematics I3
PHYS U101Introduction to Physical Science3
PHYS U201General Physics I4
PHYS U202General Physics II4
PSYC U225Psychological Statistics3
SOCY U201Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences3

Information Technology

CSCI U138Introduction to Computer Technology3
CSCI U150Introduction to Computer Science3
DGST U101Intro to Digital Studies3
INFO U101Survey of Information Technology3
INFO U102Introduction to Digital Safety3
LIBR U201Strategies for Information Discovery3
MUSC U162Intro to Music Technology3

Fine Arts, Humanities & History

AFAM U204African American Culture3
AMST U101American Studies, 17th - 19th Century3
AMST U102American Studies, 20th Century3
ARTH U101Introduction to Art3
ARTH U105History of Western Art: Prehistory - Middle Ages3
ARTH U106History of Western Art: Renaissance - Modern3
ENGL U208Introduction to Creative Writing3
ENGL U240Interpreting Popular Culture3
ENGL U245Business Writing3
ENGL U252Understanding English Grammar3
ENGL U275Masterpieces of World Literature3
ENGL U279Survey of American Literature I3
ENGL U280Survey of American Literature II3
ENGL U289Survey of British Literature I3
ENGL U290Survey of British Literature II3
ENGL U291African American Literature3
FILM U240Introduction to Film3
HIST U101Introduction to World History I3
HIST U102Introduction to World History II3
HIST U105History of the United States to 18773
HIST U106History of the United States from 18653
MUSC U110Introduction to Music3
MUSC U140History of American Popular Music3
PHIL U102Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL U111Political Philosophy3
PHIL U211Contemporary Moral Issues3
RELG U103Comparative Religion3
SOST U201Introduction to Southern Studies3
SPAN U101BIntroductory Spanish I: Business3
THEA U161Introduction to Theatre Art3
THEA U170Fundamentals in Acting3

Foreign Language & Culture

ASLG U101American Sign Language I3
ASLG U102American Sign Language II3
FREN U101Introductory French I3
FREN U102Introductory French II3
GERM U101Introductory German I3
GERM U102Introductory German II3
SPAN U101Introductory Spanish I3
SPAN U102Introductory Spanish II3
SPAN U201Intermediate Spanish3

Social & Behavioral Sciences

AFAM U201Introduction to African American Studies3
ANTH U102Understanding Other Cultures3
CRJU U101Introduction to Criminal Justice3
ECON U221Principles of Macroeconomics3
ECON U222Principles of Microeconomics3
GEOG U103Introduction to Geography3
POLI U101American National Government3
PSYC U101Introduction to Psychology3
SOCY U101Introduction to Sociology3
SPCH U210Interpersonal Communication3
UNIV U201Leadership Development I3
WGST U101Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies3