Academic Catalog

Sport Management, Bachelor of Science (*Pending CHE Approval)

General Education
I. Communication
ENGL U101Composition I 23
ENGL U102Composition II 23
SPCH U201Foundations in Oral Communication 23
II. Mathematics & Logic
MATH U121College Algebra 23
MATH U102Elementary Statistics 23
III. Information Technology
CSCI U138Introduction to Computer Technology 23
or CSCI U150 Introduction to Computer Science
or DGST U101 Intro to Digital Studies
or INFO U101 Survey of Information Technology
or MUSC U162 Intro to Music Technology
IV. Natural Sciences
Descriptive Astronomy
and Descriptive Astronomy Laboratory
V. Arts and Humanities
Select one of the following:
AFAM U204African American Culture 23
ARTH U101Introduction to Art 23
ARTH U105History of Western Art: Prehistory - Middle Ages 23
ARTH U106History of Western Art: Renaissance - Modern 23
MUSC U110Introduction to Music 23
MUSC U140History of American Popular Music 23
THEA U161Introduction to Theatre Art 23
THEA U170Fundamentals in Acting 23
Select one of the following:
No more than 3 hrs. selected from the same discipline
AFAM U201Introduction to African American Studies 23
AMST U101American Studies, 17th - 19th Century 23
AMST U102American Studies, 20th Century 23
ARTH U101Introduction to Art 23
ARTH U105History of Western Art: Prehistory - Middle Ages 23
ARTH U106History of Western Art: Renaissance - Modern 23
ENGL U252Understanding English Grammar3
MUSC U110Introduction to Music 23
MUSC U140History of American Popular Music 23
PHIL U102Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL U211Contemporary Moral Issues3
RELG U103Comparative Religion 23
THEA U161Introduction to Theatre Art 23
THEA U170Fundamentals in Acting3
SOST U201Introduction to Southern Studies3
VI. Foreign Language/Culture
ASLG U101American Sign Language I3
CHIN U101Introductory Chinese I3
FREN U101Introductory French I 23
GERM U101Introductory German I 23
SPAN U101Introductory Spanish I 23
Students placing in a 102 or higher-level language satisfy this requirement but will be responsible for 3 additional general education elective courses.
VII. History
HIST U105History of the United States to 1877 23
HIST U106History of the United States from 1865 23
VIII. Social and Behavioral Science
ECON U222Principles of Microeconomics 23
PSYC U101Introduction to Psychology 23
SOCY U101Introduction to Sociology 23
Major Course Requirements 1
MGMT U371Principles of Organizational Management 23
MGMT U380Financial Concepts and Applications for New Ventures 23
MGMT U386Project Management 23
MKTG U350Principles of Marketing 23
EDPH U318Sports Ethics 23
SPRT U2203
SPRT U3253
SPRT U4053
SPRT U4803
Major Support Courses 1
PSYC U309Psychology of Personality 23
MGMT U374Management of Human Resources 23
JOUR U328Fundamentals of Public Relations 23
MKTG U357Sport Marketing and Sponsorship 23
FINA U368Revenue Generation and Finance in Sport Business 23
Major Electives 1
Students need to pick 30 credits from the following choices.
EDPH U320Team Sports I 23
EDPH U325Principles of Coaching 23
EDPH U415Individual Sports 23
EDPH U420Team Sports II 23
EXSC U355Lifestyle-Related Diseases 23
MGMT U377Advanced Organizational Behavior 23
FINA U363Business Finance 23
JOUR U201Survey of Mass Communication 23
JOUR U304Writing for the Media 23
JOUR U305Mass Communication Theory 23
JOUR U310Media and Society 23
JOUR U335Video Editing 23
JOUR U351Social Media Strategy 23
MKTG U351Consumer Behavior 23
MKTG U459Personal Selling and Sales Management 23
EDHL U221Lifelong Health & Wellness 23
PSYC U300Topics in Psychology 23
PSYC U307Social Psychology 23
PSYC U311Industrial and Organizational Psychology 23
PSYC U312Health Psychology 23
SOCY U347Sociology of Organizations and Work 23
Total Hours121

Students must earn a C or better in their major course requirements, major support courses, and major electives. 


Indicates a section of the course that is offered online.