Academic Catalog

Public Relations, Minor

Required Courses 1,2,3,4
Select one of the following:3
Intro to Digital Studies
Survey of Mass Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Law and Ethics
Select one of the following:3
Laws and Ethics of the Mass Media
Ethics in Human Communication
Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication
Public Relations
JOUR U328Fundamentals of Public Relations3
JOUR U428Public Relations Campaigns3
Public Relations Elective
Select one of the following:3
Social and Emerging Media
Crisis Communication
Communication Elective
Select one of the following:3
Internship or Independent Study in Communication 5
Writing for the Web
Topics in Professional Writing
Motion Picture and Video Techniques
Advanced Cinema Production
Any other 300-level or above JOUR class
Any 300-level or above SPCH class
Total Hours18

Up to 6 hours of General Education (<300 level) may be used to satisfy requirements of the minor.


Minimum grade of C is required for all coursework.


A minimum of 12 hours of upper division coursework is required.


You may also specify acceptable substitutions.


Student may complete COMM U399 Internship or Independent Study in Communication as a one 3-credit course or as two courses of 1 and 2 credits each.