ENSL - Engl as a Sec Language (ENSL)
Developing in improving the writing skills of the non-native English speaker. Confidence in writing abilities is built through a systematic approach to the understanding of writing as a process
An overview of language and linguistics orientated toward learners and teachers. Phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics are emphasized as well as theories of Krashen and others with particular focus on language acquisition and language learning.
Key methods, best practices, and praxis, moving from ESOL theory and principles into best practices. Use of educational standards, language learning strategies, and techniques for instruction in reading, writing, listening, and speaking are emphasized.
Active youth or adult ESOL education service learning experience. Includes application of ESOL principles, exploration of the immigrant experience, and reflective writing addressing the intersection of course concepts and service experiences. International service component may be an option.