Academic Catalog

Health Informatics, Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts in Health Informatics is a multidisciplinary degree integrating an understanding of health information management (HIM), computer technology, information management, information processing, communications, information resources administration, and the management of health information systems. The program provides graduates with the knowledge and skills needed to design, develop, and manage health information systems by combining concepts in healthcare, information technology, and leadership. The curriculum for the Bachelor of Arts in Health Informatics includes 43-44 hours in general education, 21 hours in health informatics, 48 hours in the Information Technology core, and 9 hours in departmentally-approved healthcare-related electives.

General Education Courses
I. Communication
Select two of the following:6
Composition I
Composition II
SPCH U201Foundations in Oral Communication3
II. Mathematics, Logic & Natural Sciences
Select one of the following:3-4
College Algebra
Calculus for Management and Social Sciences
Precalculus I
Precalculus II
Calculus I
Calculus II
Natural Science (w/ lab):
Select one of the following:4
Descriptive Astronomy
and Descriptive Astronomy Laboratory
Introductory Biology I
and Introductory Biology I Lab
Introductory Biology II
and Introductory Biology II Lab
General Biology
and General Biology Lab
Foundations of Human Physiology
and Foundations of Human Physiology Laboratory
Botany and Society
and Botany and Society Laboratory
Chemistry and Society
and Chemistry and Society Lab
Chemistry of Living Things
and Chemistry of Living Things Lab
General Chemistry
and General Chemistry Lab
General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis
and General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis Lab
Physical Geology
and Physical Geology Lab
Historical Geology
and Historical Geology Lab
Environmental Geology
and Environmental Geology Lab
Introduction to Physical Science
and Introduction to Physical Science Laboratory
General Physics I
and General Physics I Lab
General Physics II
and General Physics II Lab
Select one additional course from the above list with or without laboratory or:3-4
Genetics and Society
Human Biology and Society
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Environmental Science
Natural Disasters
Geology of the Southeast
Math and/or Logic:
Select one of the following:3
Probability and Statistics
Elementary Statistics
Psychological Statistics
Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences
III. Information Technology
Information Technology:
Select one of the following: 3
Survey of Information Technology
Introduction to Digital Safety
Introduction to Computer Technology
Introduction to Computer Science
IV. Fine Arts, Humanities & History
Fine Arts:
Select one of the following:3
African American Culture
Introduction to Art
History of Western Art: Prehistory - Middle Ages
History of Western Art: Renaissance - Modern
Introduction to Creative Writing
Introduction to Music
History of American Popular Music
Introduction to Theatre Art
Fundamentals in Acting
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to World History I
Introduction to World History II
History of the United States to 1877
History of the United States from 1865
V. Foreign Language & Culture
Foreign Language:
Select one of the following: 13
American Sign Language I
American Sign Language II
Introductory French I
Introductory French II
Introductory German I
Introductory German II
Introductory Spanish I
Introductory Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish
VI. Social & Behavioral Sciences
Social & Behavioral Science:
Select one of the following:3
Understanding Other Cultures
Introduction to African American Studies
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to Geography
American National Government
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Interpersonal Communication
Leadership Development I
Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies
VII. General Education Electives
General Education Electives:
Select any approved general education course or courses6-8
Major Requirements 2
Information Technology Core
INFO U201Concepts of Information Management and Systems3
INFO U303Organizational Informatics and IT Platforms3
INFO U305Social Informatics3
INFO U307Systematic Innovation3
INFO U345Technical Presentation and Communication3
Foundation Elective:
Select one of the following:3
Business Writing
Writing for the Web
Technical Writing
Networking Technology:
INFO U315Networking Technology3
INFO U415E-Commerce & the Internet3
IT Management:
INFO U441IT Project Management3
INFO U450Executive IT Management3
Database Technology:
INFO U325Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems3
INFO U421Data Warehousing and Decision Support Systems Technology3
HIMS U425Public Policy Trends in Health Informatics3
HIMS U499Senior Seminar in Healthcare Information Management3
Technical Electives:
Select two of the following:6
Introduction to Object-Oriented Applications
Microcomputer Organization
Web Page Construction
Human-Machine Interaction
Big Data
Cybersecurity Technology
Intelligent Systems
Computer Forensics
Healthcare Finance
Health Informatics
HIMS U201Understanding Healthcare Organizations3
HIMS U250Fundamentals of Healthcare Administration3
HIMS U301Health Informatics and Information Systems Applications3
HIMS U302Healthcare Data Management and Information Governance3
HIMS U412Legal Aspects of Health Information Management3
HIMS U413Healthcare Technology and the Electronic Health Record4
HIMS U417Information Privacy and Security3
HIMS U450Healthcare Quality Management and Performance Improvement3
Select two of the following:6
Genetics and Society
Healthcare Quality Improvement
Independent Study Informatics
Experiential Learning in Information Management and Systems
Health Messaging and the Media
Research Methods for Psychology
Sociology of Mental Health and Mental Illness
Medical Sociology
Total Hours122-123

The minimum acceptable level of competency is completion of the 101 level of a language. Students who place into the 102 or higher level of a language satisfy the language requirement but will have additional hours in general education electives, if hours are required by their degree program.


A minimum grade of C is required.