Academic Catalog

Global Studies, Minor

The minor in Global Studies is intended to prepare students for careers that engage the global community either at home or abroad. Students who complete the minor demonstrate their experience and ability to live and work in international environments and to communicate effectively across global cultures. Completion of this minor will fulfill the world language and intercultural competence requirements of USC Upstate's Peace Corps Prep Program.

Required Courses 1,2
ANTH U102Understanding Other Cultures3
GLST U301Global Cultures and Identities3
World Language Requirement
Select two courses (U201 or U202) of either Chinese, French, German or Spanish 36
Experience Abroad
Study abroad coursework, internship, service learning, or independent study, such as:3
Selected French Study Abroad
Selected German Studies Abroad
Selected Spanish Studies Abroad
Advanced Selected English Studies Abroad
Culture and Politics Abroad
or similar course in another field
Additional Courses
Select one of the following:3
Any 300- or 400-level world language, literature, or culture course in FREN, GERM, or SPAN
Masterpieces of World Literature
Topics in Literature, Culture and Difference 4
Be the Change: Reading, Writing, and Doing Social Action 4
International Film
International Politics
Comparative Politics
International Organizations
Intercultural Communication
Any 300- or 400-level course examining an international topic or country other than the United States
Total Hours18

Up to 6 hours of General Education (<300 level) may be used to satisfy requirements of the minor.


Minimum grade of C is required for all coursework.


Courses may be exempted by placement test or advanced standing by successfully completing a world language course for which U202 is a prerequisite.


Focused on international topic.