Academic Catalog

Film Studies, Minor

Required Courses 1,2,3,4,5
FILM U240Introduction to Film3
FILM U425History of Film to 19673
or FILM U435 Film History after 1967
Select four of the following:12
Motion Picture and Video Techniques
Literature and Film
Film Genre 6
Film Directors 6
Special Topics in Film 6
History of Film to 1967 7
Advanced Cinema Production
Film History after 1967 7
International Film
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Film 6
Cultural Diversity and Difference in Film 6
Film Theory and Criticism
Total Hours18

Up to 6 hours of General Education (<300 level) may be used to satisfy requirements of the minor.


Minimum grade of C is required for all coursework.


A minimum of 12 hours of upper-division coursework is required.


With approval of advisor, students may apply relevant courses to the minor if the topic relates to film; special topic courses; one-time only courses, internships; and independent studies.


A course taken in the minor cannot also be counted toward the major.


May be repeated for credit if topic changes.


If not taken as requirement.