Academic Catalog

American Sign Language Interpreting Minor

Required Courses 1,2,3
ASLG U102American Sign Language II3
ASLG U102AAmerican Sign Language II Practice1
Select one of the following:3
Intermediate American Sign Language I
Intermediate American Sign Language II
Select of the following:3
American Sign Language to English Interpreting I
English to American Sign Language Interpreting I
Select one of the following:
ASL to English Interpreting II
English to ASL Interpreting II
Select any additional 300 level or higher ASLG course, including but not limited to the following:3
Topics in Sign Language
Independent Study
Total Hours (19)

Students must have successfully completed ASLG U202 Intermediate American Sign Language II or demonstrate equivalent proficiency through an interview with the instructor as a prerequisite for all 300- or 400-level ASLG courses


Minimum grade of C is required for all coursework.


A minimum of 12 hours of upper-division coursework is required.