Academic Catalog

Mass Media, Minor

Required Courses 1,2
Select one of the following:3
Intro to Digital Studies
Survey of Mass Communication
Writing for the Media
Law and Ethics
Select one of the following:3
Laws and Ethics of the Mass Media
Ethics in Human Communication
Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication
Select one of the following:3
Writing for the Media
News and Feature Writing
Writing for Broadcasting
Special Topics in Journalism
Communication Electives
Select nine credits of the following:9
0-9 credits 300-level or above JOUR courses
0-3 credits COMM U399: Internship or Independent Study in Communication 3
0-3 credits FILM U326: Motion Picture and Video Techniques
0-3 credits 300-level or above SPCH courses
Total Hours18

Minimum grade of C is required for all coursework.


You may also specify acceptable substitutions.


Students may complete COMM U399 Internship or Independent Study in Communication as one 3-credit course or as two courses of 1 and 2 credits each.

Up to 3 hours of General Education (<300 level) may be used to satisfy requirements of the minor.