Academic Catalog

Communications, Bachelor of Arts

General Education Courses
I. Communication
Select two of the following:6
Composition I
Composition II
SPCH U201Foundations in Oral Communication3
II. Mathematics, Logic & Natural Sciences
Select one of the following:3
Probability and Statistics
Elementary Statistics
College Mathematics
College Algebra
Calculus for Management and Social Sciences
Natural Science (w/lab):
Select one of the following:4
Descriptive Astronomy
and Descriptive Astronomy Laboratory
Introductory Biology I
and Introductory Biology I Lab
Introductory Biology II
and Introductory Biology II Lab
General Biology
and General Biology Lab
Botany and Society
and Botany and Society Laboratory
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
and Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
Chemistry and Society
and Chemistry and Society Lab
Chemistry of Living Things
and Chemistry of Living Things Lab
General Chemistry
and General Chemistry Lab
General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis
and General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis Lab
Physical Geology
and Physical Geology Lab
Historical Geology
and Historical Geology Lab
Environmental Geology
and Environmental Geology Lab
Introduction to Physical Science
and Introduction to Physical Science Laboratory
General Physics I
and General Physics I Lab
General Physics II
and General Physics II Lab
Math, Logic and/or Natural Science:
Select any course in Mathematics or Natural Sciences listed above or:3-4
Foundations of Human Physiology
and Foundations of Human Physiology Laboratory
Genetics and Society
Human Biology and Society
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Environmental Science
Natural Disasters
Geology of the Southeast
Introduction to Logic and Rhetoric
Deductive Logic
Calculus II
Psychological Statistics
Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences
III. Information Technology
Information Technology:
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Computer Technology
Introduction to Computer Science
Intro to Digital Studies
Survey of Information Technology
Introduction to Digital Safety
Strategies for Information Discovery
Intro to Music Technology
IV. Fine Arts, Humanities & History
Fine Arts:
Select one of the following:3
African American Culture
Introduction to Art
History of Western Art: Prehistory - Middle Ages
History of Western Art: Renaissance - Modern
Introduction to Music
History of American Popular Music
Introduction to Theatre Art
Fundamentals in Acting
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to World History I
Introduction to World History II
History of the United States to 1877
History of the United States from 1865
Fine Arts, Humanities, and/or History:
Select any course in Fine Arts or History listed above or:3
American Studies, 17th - 19th Century
American Studies, 20th Century
Introduction to Creative Writing
Business Writing
Understanding English Grammar
Masterpieces of World Literature
Survey of American Literature I
Survey of American Literature II
Survey of British Literature I
Survey of British Literature II
African American Literature
Introduction to Film
Introduction to Philosophy
Political Philosophy
Contemporary Moral Issues
Comparative Religion
Introduction to Southern Studies
V. Foreign Language & Culture
Foreign Language:
Select one of the following: 13
American Sign Language I
Introductory French I
Introductory German I
Introductory Spanish I
VI. Social & Behavioral Sciences
Social & Behavioral Science:
Select two of the following:6
Understanding Other Cultures
Introduction to Criminal Justice
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Introduction to Geography
American National Government
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Interpersonal Communication
Leadership Development I
Introduction to Women's & Gender Studies
VII. General Education Electives
General Ed. Electives:
Select any course from any section above or: 3
American Sign Language II
Introductory French II
Introductory German II
Introductory Spanish II
Major Requirements 2
All students must complete the following five courses with a minimum grade of C.
SPCH U301Theories and Principles of Human Communication3
SPCH U333Advanced Public Speaking3
JOUR U305Mass Communication Theory3
COMM U375Communication Research Methods3
COMM U490Senior Seminar in Communications3
Students must complete the required credit hours from either Group A: Communication Studies, Group B: Mass Media or Group C: Public Relations with minimum grade of C.27
Group A: Communication Studies
Group B: Mass Media
Group C: Public Relations
Cognate or Minor 2,3
Select 12-21 credits
Select 13-23 credits
Total Hours120

The minimum acceptable level of competency is completion of the 101 level of a language. Students who place into the 102 or higher level of a language satisfy the language requirement but will have additional hours in general education electives, if hours are required by their degree program. 


A minimum grade of C is required in major courses.


With approval of advisor

Group A: Communication Studies

Students must complete a minimum of 6 hours from each of the following categories and three additional courses from the category list for a total of 27 credit hours.

Writing and Presentation Skills
Select two of the following:6
Writing for the Web
Technical Presentation and Communication
Performance Studies
Voice and Diction
Visual Rhetoric
Argumentation and Debate
Culture and Communication
Select two of the following:6
Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication
Rhetorical Theory & Criticism
Environmental Communication
Communication and Gender
Health Narrative
Intercultural Communication
Communicating Difference in Social Institutions
Communicating for Social Change
Professional Practices
Select two of the following:6
Internship or Independent Study in Communication
Laws and Ethics of the Mass Media
Ethics in Human Communication
Small Group Communication
Introduction to Organizational Communication
Organizational Communication
Additional Courses
Select three additional courses from the above categories9
Total Hours27

Note: SPCH U398 Topics in Speech Communication may be used in any category w/ approval of advisor.

Group B: Mass Media 

Students must take all Mass Media Core courses with a minimum of three hours from each of the remaining four categories and an additional course from the category list for a total of 27 credit hours.

Mass Media Core
JOUR U201Survey of Mass Communication3
JOUR U303Laws and Ethics of the Mass Media3
JOUR U304Writing for the Media3
Select one of the following:3
Fundamentals of Public Relations
News and Feature Writing
Writing for Broadcasting
Social and Emerging Media
History and Theory
Select one of the following:3
Journalism's Role in History
Media and Society
International Media
Illness, Culture and the Media
Women in Media
Diversity in the Media
Politics and Media
Approved 300-level or above SPCH course
Select one of the following:3
Film Genre
Film Directors
History of Film to 1967
Film History after 1967
International Film
Cultural Diversity and Difference in Film
Film Theory and Criticism
Professional Options
Select one of the following:3
Internship or Independent Study in Communication 1
Writing for the Web
Motion Picture and Video Techniques
Advanced Cinema Production
Fundamentals of Public Relations
TV Studio Production
Video Editing
Health Messaging and the Media
Social and Emerging Media
Social Media Strategy
Public Relations Campaigns
Media Management
Principles of Marketing
Additional Courses
Select two additional courses from the above categories6
Total Hours27

COMM U399 Internship or Independent Study in Communication may be taken twice with appropriate consent to fulfill additional course categories. 

Note: JOUR U398 Special Topics in Journalism and SPCH U398 Topics in Speech Communication may be used in any category, if appropriate. 

Group C: Public Relations

Students must take all Public Relations Core courses and a minimum of 3 hours from each of the following two categories for a total of 27 credit hours. 

Public Relations Core
JOUR U201Survey of Mass Communication3
JOUR U303Laws and Ethics of the Mass Media3
JOUR U328Fundamentals of Public Relations3
JOUR U350Social and Emerging Media3
JOUR U428Public Relations Campaigns3
Media History & Theory
Select one of the following: 13
Journalism's Role in History
Media and Society
Illness, Culture and the Media
Women in Media
Diversity in the Media
Politics and Media
Rhetorical Theory & Criticism
Approved 300-level or above FILM course
Approved 300-level or above SPCH course
Professional Options
Select one of the following: 13
Internship or Independent Study in Communication 2
Motion Picture and Video Techniques
Advanced Cinema Production
Writing for the Media
TV Studio Production
News and Feature Writing
Video Editing
Health Messaging and the Media
Social Media Strategy
Crisis Communication
Media Management
Principles of Marketing
Another Marketing course for which MKTG U350 is the prerequisite
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Organizational Communication
Additional Courses
Select two additional courses from the above categories or any 300-level or above SPCH course6
Total Hours27

JOUR U398 Special Topics in Journalism and SPCH U398 Topics in Speech Communication may be used if appropriate.


COMM U399 Internship or Independent Study in Communication may be taken twice with appropriate consent to fulfill additional course categories.